Real estate for sale Croix Des Gardes, Cannes, France

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Croix Des Gardes, Cannes, France 

Croix-des-gardes’ quater or « British quarter » has a story. It’s in 1835, when Lord Henry Brougham had it built the Villa Eléonore-Louise in memory of his daughter, that villas’ constructions of Cannes begin by the British aristocracy.

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The Croix-des-gardes : starting point of Cannes’ rise

The « Croix-des-gardes » is the starting point of this rise that knew Cannes in XIX century.

The land in city

It is located at Cannes’ west between La Bocca at west, the Petit Juas at east, the Suquet at south-east, the town at north and Cannes’ bay at south. This quarter offers large choice of famous property know to sumptuous view sea, and also feeling to be at land in town center.

Peak of Cannes

Actually this part of Cannes is the second top the highest of town, it rise until 213 meters. That permit to sitting appart the city throughout stay close, and enjoy the Mediterranean Sea view.